Wednesday 20 May 2009


Have read three chapters of 'Pride and prejudice and Zombies'.  If you love Jane Austen books, then you'll hate this.  If you like Austen and love 2000a.d.  then this is a book for you.

I'm in the latter.

Shock Book News!

I had intended to put in a review of 'Elidor' by Alan Garner (currently I'm on G, till the end of May), and then compare it to 'The Weirdstone of Brisingamen' by Mr.  Garner.  Me mate Jake reckons 'Elidor' is best, I'm not so sure...


Jake (via his wife) has presented me with an early birthday present (because I wouldn't be able to read it by my birthday, being, as I will be, on H).  This tome is entitle 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' by jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith.

So, I have about a week, 2 books to read to achieve my goal ('Poldark' was another I wanted to get through, that looks unlikely now...).

The race is on!

Tuesday 19 May 2009


The Challenge began July 2007, and if I'm honest got off to a bit of a shaky start.  No initial records were kept and so I have no idea (except for a few memorable books) of what I read.  Since then the way I go about the challenge has been tweaked and refined.

During the months of A I read a number of thrillers, none were anything amazing, and since I can't recall a title of any one of them can't have been that good!

In my notebook (which I started writing when on or finishing C) I have written, "Sci-fi/horror -also none of note.  Started, then stopped at least half a dozen books."

Indeed, it seems that A left very little impression on me, the "best of A" was Kingsley Amis's 'The Green Man', which I got out of the library because I recalled seeing a television adaptation of it in the early 90's (I think), which I enjoyed.

During A I also read most of a Peter Ackroyd historical novel, loosely based on the structure of Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales', called 'The Clerkenwell Tales'.  I read a good chunk of it, then gave up because as I noted (later on...), "...  got too bogged down and bored by uninspiring prose (though the idea and historical detail was good)."

And that was it for A.